Sardis Road North Sidewalk Virtual Public Meeting

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Sardis Road North Sidewalk Virtual Public Meeting

The City of Charlotte welcomes you to the Sardis Road North Sidewalk Project Virtual Public Meeting.

Thank you for joining us to learn more about the Sardis Road North Sidewalk. We're here to share information about the project's design plans, goals, costs and schedule.

This online meeting was held from November 8 to November 19, 2021.

Comments were accepted through November 19 via the comment form. You can still contact the project team by submitting your questions using the linked comment form or the contact information at the end of this meeting.

How To Navigate This Meeting:

To advance to the next portion of the meeting, click on the arrows at the bottom of this page. You may use the navigation menu at the left of the page to revisit any part of the meeting.

A downloadable file is also available on the project website:

Comment Now

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Project Overview

  • What: Crews will construct a half-mile of new sidewalk
  • Where: Along Sardis Road North from Ritter Drive to the westernmost intersection of Rittenhouse Circle.
  • When: Construction is expected to begin in 3rd Quarter 2023.
  • Why: Enhance safety, improve mobility and improve connectivity.

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Project Area

Sardis Road North from Ritter Drive to the westernmost intersection of Rittenhouse Circle.

Map of the project area: Sardis Road North runs east to west across the map, starting to the west at its terminus with Sardis Road and ending east of Mattingwood Drive at the easternmost instersection with Rittenhouse Circle. The project area is highlighted in green along Sardis Road North, beginning at the westernmost instersection of Ritter Drive, continuing east through the intersections with Ritter Drive east, Sardis Road North Alternative, Charter Brook Drive, Beverly Circle, Kilcullen Drive, Rittenhouse Circle east intersection, to the westernmost intersection of Rittenhouse Circle. Aerial maps of the project route are available at

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Aerial Map

Aerial Map Sheet 1 of 6

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Aerial Map

Aerial Map Sheet 1 of 6

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Aerial Map

Aerial Map Sheet 1 of 6

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Aerial Map

Aerial Map Sheet 1 of 6

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Aerial Map

Aerial Map Sheet 1 of 6

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Aerial Map

Aerial Map Sheet 1 of 6

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Project Need

The City’s Pedestrian Program seeks to install sidewalks on both sides of every Charlotte thoroughfare, which is a public street designed to carry high volumes of traffic over long trip distances through and within the City. City Council approved policies in the Charlotte WALKS Pedestrian Plan and the Sidewalk Installation Policy to support this program.

The need for sidewalks throughout the city exceeds our available resources. We must focus on where we spend the limited funds for sidewalks.
The Sidewalk Installation Policy sets out the process for prioritizing sidewalk projects. These criteria include measurements like:

  • Pedestrian activity
  • Proximity to transit services
  • Traffic volume
  • Proximity to parks & greenways
  • Proximity to neighborhood serving land uses

These criteria go through a ranking process to fund projects. This section of Sardis Road North was one of the highest ranking segments citywide. This project was selected for funding several years ago.

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Typical Sidewalk Section

Illustrated image of a typical sidewalk section shows the profile view of the section elevation. From left to right, the illustration depicts mature trees and grass over the existing ground and overhanging the temporary easement area on a downward slope. The lower portion of the slope will be graded to be slightly more steep to meet the sidewalk elevation. Beside the grading, there is a six-foot sidewalk with an accessibility ramp, bordered on the right by a grass median with trees. The curb and gutter area is shown next to the road. The line graph beneath the illustration of the typical section depicts the difference between the existing and proposed ground elevation. The graph shows vertical lines, which divide different areas of the section that provides the range of measurements in each area that will be as part of project design. From left to right, the different areas include temporary easement, cut limit, sidewalk, curb, gutter, and road centerline.

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Project Schedule

  • Planning

    3rd Quarter 2021
  • Current step


    3rd Quarter 2021 - 4th Quarter 2022
  • Real Estate Acquisition

    4th Quarter 2021 - 2nd Quarter 2022
  • Construction

    3rd Quarter 2023 - 3rd Quarter 2024
  • Complete

    3rd Quarter 2024
  • 75% Complete

    Design for this project is approximately 75% complete. During the design phase, the project team develops the plans needed to construct the project.

    This project is moving into the real estate acquisition phase. This involves acquiring the property rights needed to build and maintain the proposed improvements. If your property is affected, a real estate agent will contact you on behalf of the City of Charlotte.

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Project Cost

$2.6 million

Please note this is the funding amount. This includes all costs associated with the project such as:

  • survey
  • design
  • real estate
  • utility relocation
  • consultant fees
  • construction
  • inspection
  • material testing
  • landscaping

Sardis Road North Sidewalk Stay Involved

Thank you for reviewing the virtual public meeting for the Sardis Road North Sidewalk.

Comment Now Comments were accepted through November 19.
You can still submit your questions to the project by clicking on the button to go to the comment form.

You may also contact the Project Manager Valerie Hanes.

Additionally, questions may be sent to the City of Charlotte.

c/o Valerie Hanes
600 East Fourth Street
Charlotte, NC 28202